
常见问题 - 金融援助

Q. Why am I considered a dependent student, I'm 21 years old and haven't lived with my parents for years? 

Federal 规定 set the parameters for dependency status. 点击这里 查看资格要求.

Q. 我需要哪些信息来填写FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)??

The FAFSA is the document you must complete to be considered for financial aid at 十大彩票平台.  You will need information from your Federal Income Tax Transcript  and W2's, 资产信息(现金金额), savings, checking and investments) and other untaxed income you may receive.  如果你是一个受抚养的学生,你的父母也需要提供上述相同的信息. 点击这里 to see more information on applying for financial aid.

Q. 什么是验证?

验证是一个过程,十大彩票平台学生金融服务工作人员将比较您在FAFSA上提供的信息与税务和收入文件的信息. The Federal Department of Education randomly selects students for verification. 如果您被选中进行验证, you will be asked to bring in copies of tax and income documents.

Q. What is "令人满意的学业进展"? 它如何影响我的经济资助?

有资格获得经济援助, 联邦和马萨诸塞州当局以及十大彩票平台官方政策要求学生取得令人满意的学业进步. Each semester 学生 Financial Services monitors students' GPA, 并回顾了经济援助学生在获得学位和证书学分方面的成功. To learn more about 令人满意的学业进展, please 点击这里.

Q. What happens to my financial aid if I drop out during the semester?

Financial aid is pro-rated for the semester, 这意味着助学金是按一定的比率获得的,而不是在学期开始时全额提供. After the 60 percent point in the semester, all financial aid is considered earned. Generally, earned aid is subtracted from your bill for tuition, fees, and books. If earned aid is less than your bill, you will have to pay the balance. 有关提款的更多信息 & 退款政策, 点击这里.

Q. How is my bill for tuition and fees paid?

If you've received a financial aid award, your tuition and fees are deducted from it. Any excess funds-after any allowable charges for books and supplies-come to you as a refund 本学期晚些时候. If your bill isn't covered completely by financial aid, 你需要在学期开始时安排支付账单的余额. For more information on other payment arrangments please 点击这里.


Q. 什么是服务费?

A 服务费用 收费是否根据使用特定付款方式的能力和便利性进行评估.


为了尽可能降低成本,继续为学生提供信用卡支付的选择, a services fee is charged for credit/debit card transactions.

Q. What is the cost to attend Springfield Technical Community 大学?

请参阅我们的 学费 & Fees 信息页面. 学生s may be eligible for Federal Aid, State Grants, scholarships, and loans. For further information on federal aid 点击这里.

Q. 十大彩票平台会寄账单给我吗?

学生 Financial Services does not send paper invoices in the mail.  All students are expected to view their bill online via 十大彩票平台Net (校园门户网站).  An email will be sent to student's 十大彩票平台 e-mail accounts on a regular basis, 提醒你查看他们的账单 十大彩票平台Net (校园门户网站). Go to 的付款信息 了解更多信息.

Q. Does Springfield Technical Community 大学 offer a monthly payment plan?

A monthly payment plan is available for the fall, spring and summer semesters; please refer to the 十大彩票平台可接受的付款安排 了解更多信息.

Q. Where and how can I pay my bill and what methods of payment do you accept?

Detailed information about bill payment can be found on the 的付款信息 page.

Q. What age must one be to be considered a senior citizen?

为了符合老年人豁免的资格,你需要在课程开始之前是马萨诸塞州60岁以上的居民. 点击查看更多信息 Senior Citizen 学费 and Fee Exemption/Waiver Program.

Q. If I moved whom should I notify of my address change?

You need to notify the 注册处 in writing, via email at registrar@stcc.亲自或亲自.

Q. What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?

根据《十大彩票平台》(FERPA)的规定(《十大彩票平台》第438条), 20 usc (1232g), commonly referred to as the "Buckley Amendment,“十大彩票平台技术社区学院采取了以下规定来保护学生的隐私权. 修订和澄清将根据法律经验和该机构的政策予以公布.

A student's bill can only be discussed with students only. 欢迎家长带着他们的儿子/女儿来十大彩票平台技术社区学院讨论他/她的账单.

学生s may also fill out a Release of 信息 form with the Registrar s Office. 这将使学生可以选择允许十大彩票平台与学生授权的任何人交谈. For further information, Please contact the Registrar s Office atregistrar@stcc.Edu of (413) 755-4321.

Q. I received my bill but my company will be paying for my educational expenses. 我需要做什么?

你需要带来你的雇主的一封信,上面有以下信息:学生的名字, 学期公司将会支付, specific dollar amount the company is paying for, 以及公司联系方式. Letters must be on company letterhead and not include any restrictions, i.e. that the company will only pay if the student receives a C or better.

Q. 我已经退课了. 我有资格获得什么退款?

信息 regarding refunds can be found on our 退款政策页面.

Q. I paid for my classes in full but withdrew in time to receive a full/partial refund. 什么时候可以退款?


Q. I don't need the student health insurance being offered. 我该怎么办??

如果学生有类似的保险范围,并希望放弃参加马萨诸塞州社区学院的保险计划, the student must complete a waiver form showing comparable coverage.  请注意,美国以外的承运商的承保范围不被视为可比承保范围.  For further information on the student health insurance you can go to web page http://www.mass.gov/portal.

To waive your health insurance charge log onto 十大彩票平台Net (校园门户网站).

Q. What is the American Opportunity Credit & 终身学习税收抵免?

Under the Federal Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, 纳税人可以在他们的联邦所得税申报表上利用美国机会抵免和/或终身学习抵免. 该计划由国会设计,为符合条件的学杂费支付提供税收抵免. Additional information can be found on http://www.irs.或致电1-800-4FED-AID. IRS也在IRS出版物970 -教育税收优惠和IRS信息热线1-800-829-1040中提供信息.

Springfield Technical Community 大学 is required by law to furnish every student, 可计费信用证, with a 1098T form by January 31 of each year.

请注意-十大彩票平台技术社区学院不能就任何税务问题向您提供建议. You will need to contact the Internal Revenue Service or your tax consultant.

Q. I have not received my 1098T form and need a copy. 我怎样才能得到一个?

You can view and print a copy of your 1098T on 十大彩票平台Net (校园门户网站).  

Q. What will happen if I still have an outstanding balance at the end of the semester?

任何学生的账户余额超过500美元将被冻结. This hold will prevent students from registering from future courses at 十大彩票平台. Any student that carries a balance greater than $50.00将导致您的帐户被移交给批准的收款公司和联邦拦截计划, 你将负责所有的催收费用和在催收债务过程中产生的其他费用.